Here are all the weddings that I need to blog! Embarrassing, I know!

Not that I'm making excuses, well ok, maybe I am, but this being pregnant and losing brain cells thing is absolutely true! Yes, for those of you that do not know, I am expecting in July, July 17th to be exact ... 8 weeks and 1 day away to be even more exact! We are anxiously anticipating the arrival of Maren Harper Mazzola! I am basically in survival mode! So much too do, so little time (at work and at home)!
Remember the loss of brain cells thing I mentioned earlier ... well, I am no where near as efficient as I was, thus my blogging time is now consumed with regular day to day duties that I just can't get done as fast as I used to. I promise I will catch up before maternity leave (July-August), just in time to fall behind again for 6 weeks (but I'll have great help on the wedding front while I'm gone).
Don't even think it is only the blog that is suffering! There hasn't been a trip to the grocery store in about two months where I didn't have to go through the line twice. I simply cannot remember EVERYTHING at one time. I seriously thought I was the queen of organization before pregnancy ... and even through the first 6 months. BUT recently that has all changed! This baby girl is going to be one smart cookie ... she is definitely soaking up {more than her fair share} of my brain cells. But she is so worth it! It may take me a little longer, but I will eventually get it all done!
So just hang in there with me as I try to:
- survive
- do my job to the best of my ability
- prepare to be a mommy for the first time
- prepare for maternity leave
- prepare for a new lifestyle/routine when I return
- finish nesting
- and do some much needed blogging over the couple of weeks
Looking forward to a great Summer/Fall of wonderful brides , exciting changes to our church campus and a brand new addition to our family!
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