:: Welcome to the First Baptist Dallas Wedding Blog. This is where I post pictures of all the weddings and receptions we host. If you are looking for pictures...this is the place! If you need wedding information, click {here}. It will take you to the church website where you can learn more about rates, availablity, and policies ::

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

This is my first post, so let me catch everyone up! First Baptist Dallas is located in downtown Dallas; and has been here since the late 1800's! We recently built a new facility called the Criswell Center. The Criswell Center opened on September 17, 2006 and has been put to good use ever since. Now on to wedding information...we hold weddings in three locations here at the church - The Sanctuary, Heritage Chapel and Slaughter Chapel.

The Sanctuary (seats 1500+)

Heritage Chapel (seats 550)

Slaughter Chapel (seats 50)


Anonymous said...

This is a good idea, we always like to see how others decorated for their wedding. Thanks!

Unknown said...

this is going to be a great blog- thank you for being so considerate and putting it all together!

Unknown said...

You did such a great job on the blog! Thank you for the work you did, it is so helpful.